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September 18, 2024

Black Dog Blues

I saw the black dog outside
I immediately ducked…behind the curtain

so he wouldn’t see me 

I heard his nails click click click

as he came up

front porch stairs 

slid further down to the floor

to avoid detection 

could hear him sniffing 

putting his paws up on the windowsill 

in an attempt to see in

frozen like a January icicle

I didn’t dare move for he might see me

the deep darkness of his brown eyes 

staring into my emptiness 

then he went down the stairs 

I hoped and wished that he left

I ever so carefully peeked 

around the steel curtain 

fashioned in my fragile mind

he was gone!

a deep breath of relief I took

got up and walked to the kitchen 

for a cold drink to wet my dry mouth 

to the den I went to relax

glancing out the window to the backyard 

I saw him again prowling around 

this time however he saw me

locking me into his penetrating gaze

I was helpless against him

falling to the floor, I gave up the fight and died