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April 11, 2021

Small Craft Warning

the water was as choppy as my life has been
small craft warning in effect

tired tired tired of being buffeted about 

then just let go of everything 

experienced a downpour of serenity

falling softly from white lined clouds 

let the damn dam burst around and over the rocks 

drifted away in the flow

a calm, yeah that’s what it was

sailed away to where I always wanted to go

a port out of the storm where I could just relax 

calm those jingle-jangle nerves

that anxiety that was like an aggressive army

always ready to attack and advance 

now they were AWOL and I didn’t miss them 

got drunk on the peace

high on the quiet 

content to abide and let it ride let it slide

ride this wave of nirvana as long as possible 

not gonna let anything or ANYONE 

deny me or capsize me

never again