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June 9, 2020

Rainy Afternoons In June

a rainy saturday afternoon in june 
a good day to relax and read a book 
or watch the rich men’s boats
bob up and down at the marina
raindrops tappity on my hat
you think I should come in from the rain 
don't tell me what to think 
I won't tell you what to think 
my antipathy grows with each passing day
only in nature do I find peace 
darkness now encroaches silently 
the wind dies like we all will
the light for the walkway for the path by my park bench 
doesn't come on--is broken, burned out
perfect--I prefer the dark--the shadows of twilight 
cars cross the bay bridge 
red lights white lights 
together but alone
separated by divisions seen and unseen
rubber steel glass concrete time realities 
color class indifference 
one world but billions of worlds
rarely commingled mostly jingled
jangled bangled mangled 
shredded like paper
grated like cheese
yet for all our self-congratulating brilliance 
ground into meaningless dust in the end