ice melting in the glass kaleidoscope light
dog laying against my leg
reflections full of color flash and dash and smash
against against the glass of the french doors
mind drifting back to some place somewhere
parties at friends houses
long forgotten names and faces
unremembered aspirations
but not what I was drinking
organ and sitar coming on strong
dialin’ in the UHF channel 32
sitting in the house I can’t afford
deep water me by myself and the ocean
jazz in the heat of the garage
a long distance voyager on an endless flight
take a trip around the moon
champagne star smashed by hand tiny bubbles
paintings coming alive on the walls
a week less--a lesser weak--a lesser week
a feeling of excitement--a feeling of feeling
then boom boom BA-BOOM!
the next door neighbors’ rocket project
just exploded into smithereens
shiny metallic pieces on the ground
falling into the ocean
I’m tired—time for bed