There is a lot of anger
in the world; more specifically in the people of the world. The world or
universe is never angry. Did an ocean ever curse at you? Even where there are
catastrophic storms or volcanos or whatever, it’s just the Dao being the Dao; a
correction of yin or yang, a natural progression. But why are people so angry
and filled with hate? Maybe because we created these poor, hapless societies that
we live in and we don’t like what we’ve created. We’ve done a pretty poor job
of it. You can’t just paint over it like a bad artist. There is so much
injustice and unfairness in many areas; politically, economically, socially. It
causes us as mankind to act out in rage. The shame of it is we have the power
to do something about it but we don’t work together. Everybody is pulling in a
different direction. Everyone has their own agenda. Everybody resents somebody
else. They’re too rich, too poor, too ignorant, too smart…it just goes on and
on. Like somebody once said, if a being from deep in outer space showed up on
Earth and saw what’s going on, they’d demand to speak to the manager.