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February 28, 2014


We recently adopted a lab mix puppy that we found wandering along the side of an expressway. How it got there, we do not know. Perhaps it slipped under a fence somehow or maybe someone just dumped the dog on the side of the road. The dog is about eight weeks old according to the vet we took it to for a checkup. It is skinny and frightens easily but that is understandable considering the circumstances. We named her Sochi since we got her during the Olympics and perhaps since we read about all the stray dogs there. How random her life was; from wandering along a busy thoroughfare undoubtedly hungry; where she could have easily been hit by a speeding car or truck and killed, to a home where she will be loved and protected. So too, is our life random, accidents of good and bad nature occur at the mere wave of the hand of fate.